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วันเสาร์ที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Because it is what 'IT' is......and I am what I am

Feeling as short as the eye-wink shot, there is only one more week time for the BIS2180 course to finish. Then, it's time for the final exam!! -*-  (I havn't prepared for it at all.)

Until now, I still can't give definite meaning of what IT is, though I understand what it is. So, I visited Wikipedia, and found one (impressive) sentence answered my question.
Anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the domain space known as Information Technology (IT).

            According to Ajarn's instructions, we need to write at least 4 blog assignments, which I believe that most (or almost all) students would rather write at most 4. As this blog is going to be the last blog I write for the course (and I have no more idea what to write about IT (555+)), I want to share my feeling towards this subject to you. ;)

Before, I assumed that IT subject would be very complicated and boring because it's something I know very little, comparing to other fields of knowledge. That's why I take it for summer with the (stupid) hope that the lessons would be cut out and the assignment would be much less. But I found out later that I was totally wrong! (- -*)

After attending the class for a few week, I have learnt that IT was anywhere around us. It is not that difficult to understand and is rather interesting to explore. Many times, I thought, 'Oh, is there this kind of thing in this world?' or 'Oh, how can we, human being, invent clever things like these?' and so on... However, to be honest, I was also bored of several definitions about IT.

To conclude, studying this course has improved my attitude about IT and granted me a chance to write my own blog as well : D. Personally, I don't like writing diary, but I enjoy writing these blogs (confused myself!?!).

Last but not the least, I would like to apologize you for any mistakes or improper words used in all blogs. Although my blogs may sound rather like complainning with little sensable statement, they are all written from my true feelings and opinions, not fake.

                                                                                                                                     Thank You.

วันศุกร์ที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Hot weather, Hot temper & the 'Hotmail'

     Since I was young, I have been told that our country has 3 seasons, rainy, winter and summer. Recently these years, however, I have discovered that the informed statement was wrong. My observation told me that the 3 seasons should be hot, very hot and extremely hot!!

The hot weather always makes me in the bad mood and get annoyed with things easily. The all-day study also makes me very exhausted. So, after arrived home, I usually relax by playing the internet. Facebook, hotmail and Kapook.com are some of the first few websites I visit to update myself of any messages, mails and current news.

Thinking about mails, it has been quite a long time that I don't check my hotmail inbox. No, not because I forget to check it, but I neglect to do! Why? because it's so boring (and frustrating at the same time) to receive (and delete) tons of junkmails advertising high paid jobs, porn movies, diet pills, nutrition drinks...bla bla bla as well as forward mails which contains little of sensable information. (-*-)

      Nevertheless, there are always goods among bads, and vice verca. Sometimes, I find those junkmails preview knowledgeable and enjoyable contents which cheer me up from the bad mood. Most of them are good standpoints from well-known and respectful people, like our King, Dalai lama, etc. The others are nice photographs of beautiful places around the world, funny pictures (both real and edited), and creative videoclips or website links.

Let's watch one...

   The idea I get from this 'HOT' topic is that not all junkmails are annoying as there is really lovely one 'Junk' mail. ;p


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Analogue World vs. Digital World

Have you ever thought of your life without IT? How would it be? And, how could you live? If you think that you probably can't live without IT, then do you wonder how did your parents live without it?

Looking at your parents' perspectives, don't you think they also find it difficult to live in this digital world (at least at the beginning)? The following is an example of the old man who finds modern technology difficult and prefers to retreat into his analogue world.

In my opinion, lives without IT are not that threathening but could be less convenient and comfortable than the opposite. While some people may find this unbearable and miserable, I think it's just another unfamiliar thing which needs some time to learn and adjust to.

Let's imagine in a fun way. How romantic would it be to communicate with your boy/girlfriend via letters when there's no MSN, internet, facetime or even mobile phones? Instead of viewing your friend's facebook in your free time, what else you would do to enjoy yourself? You could probably try some traditional and recreational activities, like rub jumping, Ree-Ree-Khao-San, E-Morn-Sorn-Pha, Ball-Loon-Poang, watching out-door cinema, and so on. These activities and games are very enjoyable and are good alternatives to exercise.

Although it may sound too day-dreaming, I wish to try living in the old days when IT has not yet become part of our lives. I think the world must be less complex but more interesting to explore.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

The 'Turtle' in the Globalized World

Many times, I feel that my attitudes towards IT are quite at odd with other people, esp. my friends. No, I am not saying that IT is bad or unnecessary, but I just don't like it much because it often makes me frustrated. To make it clearer, let's talk about some of the hottest current IT issues, Facebook.

A year ago, the word 'social network' had not yet come across my mind, not until I heard it from my pears in the Microcomputer class. I was thinking that they must be crazy spending hours a day looking at other people's photos, video clips, non-sense comments and notes, or playing those stupid games in Facebook, etc.  Can't they find other more constructive activities to enjoy themselves?
Later on, I had to swallow all my words about these because I became addicted to the Facebook myself !?!

It's not because my opinions had suddenly been changed but it is simply that I didn't want to be left out when my friends were talking about something they post in their webboards. Yes, and that's the starting point!
Initially, I love answering the psychological quizzes most because I think they're funny and sometimes provide meaningful results. Then, I learnt to explore other features in the site and found that they are all interesting and fun.

Despite my pleasurable experience on IT (or FB in particular), I still can't get rid of my prejudice about it. This maybe due to my low-tech family. You know, MS-DOS, Windows 95 & 98 computers are still being used for the office works (-*-). They aren't updated or changed because they contain important data and are still working well (although very slowly). The other two computers (luckily) use Windows XP and are for my brother and me to surf on the internet.

Until now, I dare not download or install any unfamiliar programs or files by myself as I'm afraid that the computer will hang (as it usually does). Then, I will be blamed for my fault (not because the computers are too old and never updated for yearsss, no effective anti-virus programs being installed, or the RAM has too low capacity....) When the situations like this happen more and more frequently, I 'automatically' turn my back to most of IT issues as they make me feel bad and annoying. For me, IT products are something complicated that should not be touched except when it's necessary!